Monday, July 27, 2009

looking on the bright side of life

i just realised that the last couple of entries are like super negative. haha.

gonna blog about something nice today. let's see, i went NDP last saturday. the whole parade got me all patriotic and made me damn proud to be a singaporean.
the government sure have a thing for getting message across by touching your heart. those teaching ads to promote teaching as a career? and that family ad with that indian lady talking about her dead husband during the wake. the speaking mandarin ads with those cutesy ang moh kids speaking like better chinese than i do? im impressed, PAP.

anyhoos, thanks kevin for the tickets! went there with my sister and we spontaneously wore red! hahaha.
and my dear sis was damn excited cos she hasn't gone one for eons. she was like the small little happy kid that day.
bumped into so many people that day. jac who did ushering, ian who was guarding my area, dana who was there i dunno for what again, and of course kevin after his 'performance'.

Parade commander of the this year's NDP

my juniors...:)

Kevin on tank!

me and my childish tatoo

Happy belated birthday kevin! :)

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